
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Where Christian values are integral and learning is fun"

Little People, Big Dreams

Little People Big Dreams Celebration Day


On Monday 24th May 2021, Reception participated in a ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ celebration day to end this terms topic. On the day, the children celebrated all the learning they have achieved and came to school dressed as something they want to be when they grow up. They all shared their thoughts about their big dreams and explained why they had chosen their profession. Throughout the day the children used their costumes to develop their imaginations and created their own role play to explore this further. We had police officers patrolling the playground, a ballet teacher helping her students learn new skills and scientists experimenting with magnets and different materials!


It was and exciting day for all the children who enjoyed a surprise picnic to finish off the day, whilst listening to music by Stevie Wonder. The children learnt in their music lessons that he was once a little boy, who had big dreams to become a musician and despite the challenges he faced, he persevered and made his dreams come true! Miss Ferryman and Mrs. Hillier can't wait to see the children in Reception persevere throughout their time at Marcham C of E Primary School and work towards their big dreams.

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