
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Living and learning with Faith, Community and Hope"

Bumped Head Wristbands

Head Injury Information


Marcham CE Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and as part of our continued first aid procedure development, we will be trialing a new system in school to ensure that all staff and parents are aware of children who bump their head during the school day.


Any child who bumps their head will wear a GREEN wristband (similar to those used at swimming pools). This will be marked with the time/date of the injury and will also be initialled by the staff member on duty who recorded the incident.


We hope that this system will be more visual to staff during the school day, parents/carers collecting at the end of the day and enable better monitoring of pupils. Please keep a look out for these wristbands on your child when you collect them from school.


.Please read carefully the new information about our bumped head wristbands


  • Any pupil who suffers a head bump will be issued with a "green bumped head wristband". 
  • This will make it visible to all school staff that a head bump has occurred
  • A wristband will be given to any child who has presented to a staff member with a bump to any part of their body from the neck upwards (including eyes, ears, nose, lips etc).
  • The wristband notifies you that one of our staff members looked after and assessed your child and at the time it was not thought necessary to refer him/her for further attention. 
  • The wristband will have the date and time of the incident.
  • Parents will also receive a green note with further details of the incident - including an indication of where on the head the bump occurred.
  • Medical advice on concussion can be seen below. 
  • Children will be told that this band must remain on their wrist until they get home to show parents/carers, including if they attend an after school club.  The wrist band should remain on the child's wrist for 48 hours.
  • We also ask that if your child has bumped their head outside of school in the previous 48 hours - the school office are notified.



Symptoms usually start within 24 hours, but sometimes may not appear for up to 3 weeks.  Should any of the following conditions occur please refer the child to a doctor, preferably at the local A&E Department:-

  • Severe headache (persistent)
  • Does not like bright light
  • Vomits
  • Dizzy, double or blurred vision
  • Becomes disorientated or confused or unable to remember the recent past
  • Their conscious level changes





Click on the Logo - for a direct link to the NHS Concussion page

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