
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Where Christian values are integral and learning is fun"


Wolves Class Letter – Summer Term 2024

 Class Teacher

Miss Ball (Monday and Tuesday)

Miss Rowlands (Wednesday - Friday)

Teaching Assistant

 Ms Jefferies (Monday - Friday)

Miss Lewis (Friday) 


Dear Parents,


Welcome to the Summer term!


This term, Miss Ball will teach on Mondays and Tuesdays and Miss Rowlands will teach on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Ms Jefferies will continue to be our class TA and Miss Lewis will also be our TA on a Friday.


This term we have a geography based topic, which is a local study of Oxford. This will include looking at the history of Oxford in addition to completing map work skills and other geographical skills. We will also be completing sketches of some of Oxford’s oldest and most beautiful buildings.



Homework this term will continue to be spellings, reading and a piece of arithmetic or mathematical problem solving work. It will also strongly benefit the children to keep up to date with Times Table Rock Stars to ensure that they don’t lose their instant recall of these. Raffle tickets will continue to be given to children who are completing their homework, with the raffle ticket prize winner receiving a book of their choice.


Items from home

Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school everyday (several of the children have the same water bottles!), particularly as the weather will hopefully be warming up over the coming weeks. Please also ensure that they have their PE kit and trainers in school every day – there will be extra PE to practise maypole dancing, sports day and we will continue to complete the daily mile as often as possible.

Please also provide your child with a named sunhat as this will allow us to continue our outdoor activities when the weather is warm. Please ensure that any suncream is in a labelled bottle.



The children are becoming very excited about their Youlbury residential! Many thanks to those that attended the meeting about this last week. The power point that was shown will be emailed to all parents.



Some children, who did not reach the required KS2 distance last year, will be invited for a week of intensive swimming lessons. More information will follow about this later in the term.


If you have any questions/concerns at any time, please do contact us via the office or catch us at the end of the day.


Miss Rowlands, Miss Ball and Ms Jefferies.

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