
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Where Christian values are integral and learning is fun"


Giraffes Class Letter - Autumn 2024


Class Teacher

Mr Clayton (Monday - Friday)


Teaching Assistant

Ms Jefferies (Monday-Friday)

Miss Jarvey (Mon, Tue, Thurs and Fri) 


Welcome to Giraffes class 2024/2025! I hope you had a fantastic summer break and are ready and excited to get back to school. Your team of teachers this year will be me (Mr Clayton) supported by Miss Jarvey and Miss Jefferies. I will be out of the classroom most Wednesday’s and some of Thursday afternoon. During this time Miss Priddle will teach Maths in the morning and Mrs Hutchinson will teach Writing as well as RE, French and Music.  


We have been busy booking up trips and experiences that will take place over the term. Confirmed so far is a visit from Oxford I.M.P.S in September who will teach you some valuable first aid skills. In October we will be visiting the Earths Trust for a topic based trip as well as visiting the Houses of Parliament in London. Full details of the off site trips will be sent out separately.  


Our values this term are Friendship & Community and then after half term it will be Respect. These will be discussed in assembly as well as during PSHE lessons. You are now the top of the school and I look forward to seeing you model our school values across the school. In year six you will all have the opportunity to be play leaders in the KS1 playground at lunchtime which is another opportunity to demonstrate these values.  


Our topic this term will be Anglo Saxons and Viking until after half term before we shift our focus to Geography and study of South America. When studying the Anglo Saxons and Vikings we will discuss two main questions: How have roles in society altered since Anglo-Saxon and Viking times? Do we have a more socially equal society today in Britain?  


Our PE days are Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (Indoor). Although, I do expect PE kits to be in school every day so that we have some flexibility and to avoid some of the worst of the weather. Before half term we will be learning how to play handball and practicing our Gymnastics. After half term we will be playing Tag Rugby and improving our fitness.  


Homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. I will hand out paper copies of the set homework each week. In addition to the homework I will continue to expect 10 minutes of reading four times a week, regular use of TTRS and the weekly spelling tests. Should you have a problem finding time at home to complete homework I will run a homework club on Tuesday lunchtimes and should you find that the homework is too difficult then please speak to a member of staff during morning work time where we will be able to help you- although not on Thursday!  


Students can borrow books from the class library and the school library. I have added some new books to this over the summer with some great finds in charity shops. If you are still struggling for inspiration then please speak to one of us of have a look and the link here which has some fantastic books. https://  


A more detailed view of the curriculum is available below on the topic web which is available on the school website but should you have any questions then please speak to me after school in the playground or email the office and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  


Kind regards 

Mr Clayton 


Giraffes Curriculum Web

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