
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Where Christian values are integral and learning is fun"


Giraffes Class Letter - Summer 2024


Class Teacher

Mr Clayton (Monday - Friday)


Teaching Assistant

Miss Jarvey (Monday-Friday)


Welcome back Giraffes. I hope that you had a restful break over Easter. We welcome Miss Jarvey into our class this term who is taking over from Miss K as our class TA and will be working at the school full time in our class. As last term, I will not be teaching on Wednesdays as this is my planning time. Mrs Hutchinson and Miss Priddle will be teaching in my stead.  


As always, there is lots to look forward this term. Some you will be excited about, visits from secondary school teachers, visits to secondary schools as well as visits from mental health professional and the police force to further prepare us for the transition to secondary schools and the impacts of bullying and cyber bullying. Although we have the SATS week coming up in May I want to reassure that you have nothing to worry about. We will prepare you in school the best way we can and coupled with your homework tasks and the additional work I know so many of you are doing all you need to do is focus on achieving your full potential.  


Our values this term are perseverance and courage. I am sure that you will demonstrate these and model these to the rest of the school with pride as you have done so far this year.  


Our topic this term is a local study of Oxford and after a lot of History this year it will be great to get our maps out and learn about our local area. We will have a human and physical geography focus across the topic and smatterings of history along the way. We will look at famous people who have come from or been inspired by their time in Oxford and will link in some of our art lessons to looking at Alice in Wonderland.  



A summary of learning across all curriculum areas is set out below.  Our PE day is a Monday and Tuesday. On Monday we will be preparing for our Maypole dance celebrations at the end of the half term and after the half term break we will get the cricket equipment out. On Tuesday we will be preparing for my highlight of the Olympics- athletics and after half term playing Volleyball. Please ensure that students have their PE every day, especially after SATS, so that we can make the most of the summer weather- keep those fingers crossed! 


Homework is set on Friday via Google Classrooms and due in the following Thursday. Paper copies will be handed out each week. This will consist of a mixture of Reading, Spelling and Maths activities. Although the formal timestable checks are done this does not mean that we no longer need to know them. We will continue to practice them in school and we expect students to continue to practice at home using TTRS. Finally, we ask that you continue to support your child to meet our ‘Ten Minutes a Day’ reading pledge.  Where possible, try to find some time each week to continue to listen to your child read aloud and to talk about what they have read.  Ask them questions and for explanations.  It will test their retrieval and inference skills and make them better all-round readers.  For inspiration on books that are suitable for Year 6 pupils please see https://   


I hope that this overview answers any questions that you might have.  However, if there are any aspects relating to teaching and learning in Year 6 that you would like to discuss further or if there are issues that crop up which you would like to talk about, please do get in touch.  Emails can be directed to the school office and the office staff will forward them on to me or talk to me at the end of the school day.  


Mr Clayton

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