
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Where Christian values are integral and learning is fun"




The aim of homework at Marcham Primary school is as follows.

  • To augment and extend children’s learning through reinforcement and revision.
  • To encourage the children to appreciate that their school-based learning has wider purpose and context in their lives.
  • To provide an opportunity for parents to understand what their children are learning in school and how they are doing it; and a chance to work with their children to advance their education.
  • To develop good learning habits and self-discipline in the children, with the aim of creating life-long independent learners.


The practicalities for homework are as follows

  • Homework will be set weekly apart from the longer project-based homework which will be set three times a year.
  • Reception class – phonics will be set on tapestry.
  • Spelling/phonics, maths and topic to be set via google classroom platform – children can still bring in physical homework.
  • Reading books will be allocated via Rocket phonics / Reading planet – you will receive the log in details for these soon
  • No homework tasks to be set over school holidays, however, there is an expectation that children will read, practise counting/number bonds or multiplication facts.





Wider curriculum/topic based



Rocket phonics online book.


Snuggle book sent home to be read by parents. There will be questions you can discuss with your child in their reading journals.


Children should be reading at least 4x week




Year 1


Rocket phonics online book


Snuggle book sent home to be read by parents. There will be questions you can discuss with your child in their reading journals


Children should be reading at least 4x week

Maths quiz practising number  and calculation skills


Year 2

Spelling or grammar activity

Rocket phonics online book


Snuggle book sent home to be read by parents. There will be questions you can discuss with your child in their reading journals.


Children should be reading at least 4x week

Maths quiz practising number  and calculation skills

A long term project based on our theme.

Year 3

Spelling or grammar

Reading planet book and activity  


Home/school reading book 4x week

Maths quiz practising number  and calculation skills


Times table rock stars

A long term project based on our theme.

Year 4

Spelling or grammar

Reading planet book and activity


Home/school reading book 4x week

Maths quiz practising number  and calculation skills


Times table rock stars

A long term project based on our theme.

Year 5

Spelling or grammar

Reading planet book and activity


Home/school reading book 4x week

Maths quiz practising number  and calculation skills


Reasoning and problem solving activity


Times table rock stars

A long term project based on our theme.

Year 6

Spelling or grammar

Reading planet book and activity


Home/school reading book 4x week

Maths quiz practising number  and calculation skills


Reasoning and problem solving activity


Times table rock stars

A long term project based on our theme.

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