Science week!
From 27th - 31st January it was science week! Across the whole school there was lots of activity from experiments to scientists even to food tasting.
On Monday Tiger class went to the Pitt Rivers museum and had a joyful time exploring.
Tuesday, all classes in the school mixed up. We completed different experiments with different teachers and moved around. We had 7 experiments: exploding volcano, walking water, dancing raisins, clean milk, coke and mentos, lava lamp and balloon walking.
On Wednesday, most of the school was welcomed by some scientists. Year R and 5 had Tom Williams who works in the pathology department at Oxford University. Year 1 had one of our parents – Rachel Wiltshire – who works at a nearby school to do 4 different experiments based on George’s Marvellous medicine. Year 3 had Richard Fisher from Abingdon School to work with magnets. Year 4 and 6 had Chris Frost and some Rutherford Appleton Lab Staff (Year 4 - Maddie Wildridge, Kwaku Mintah, Victoria Pomijan-Przedpelska) (Year 6 - Jane Broda, Ben Bradley, Eugene Chen).
Thursday was our big investigation day! Each year group was given a question to solve using predictions, explorations, data and conclusions. These were the questions:
Year R – Why do I need my senses?
Year 1 – Why do I need my senses?
Year 2 – How can we make something go slower?
Year 3 – Why do we have different types of teeth and what do they do?
Year 4 – Why does the moon change shape in the sky?
Year 5 – How is sound produced by musical instruments?
Year 6 – How is electricity used in everyday life?
This was all celebrated at assembly on Friday.
What a busy week... Take a look at some of the images from across the week.