
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Where Christian values are integral and learning is fun"


Marcham CE Primary School – Our curriculum statement of intent


At Marcham CE Primary School, our aim and purpose is summed up in our mission statement, “to achieve excellence in education in a safe, caring, collaborative community, where Christian values are integral and learning is fun”.  We are located in a semi-rural context in Oxfordshire and are part of a partnership of schools where “broadening horizons” is a fundamental objective. We approach this “The Marcham Way”. We work to create opportunities to open all our pupils’ eyes to aspirations beyond their physical and cultural experiences and prepare them, as our school vision states, to be "able to contribute positively in a fast-changing, vibrant society”. Our curriculum intent, then, endeavours to equip pupils to:  


  • Achieve beyond expectations
  • Broaden horizons and aspirations
  • Develop knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes
  • Demonstrate positive values, beliefs and identities


We do so with a commitment to the equality of access and opportunity as far as we are able. We follow the National curriculum framework as defined by the DfE in 2014, but we are very aware that the school’s curriculum is everything that a young person learns in school and that the National Curriculum is just a part of that. So, being able to read and comprehend, to write effectively and accurately, being numerate and able to reason, is a fundamental and essential focus, and we embrace the importance of embedding the breadth of knowledge which comes from the National Curriculum through the range of subjects. However, we also recognise the use of these subjects as a vehicle through which pupils can become resilient, determined, creative, flexible, able to solve complex problems, technologically and physically literate, humane and compassionate and critical thinkers – particularly important “in a world where information can be accessed but where children and adults cannot be sure who and which information to trust”.1  We want our pupils to grow up being able to choose, develop and deepen their own positive values, beliefs and identities, and consider the implications of their choices in relation to themselves, the communities of which they are a part, and society at large. 


In order to do so, we intentionally examine our learning through a number of lenses:

  • Experiences
  • Global Dimension
  • Social Contexts
  • Technological and physical literacy
  • Critical thinking


These are woven into our curriculum design and allows our children to step outside the integrity of the subject to consider its relevance to them.


This diagram may help in understanding the structure of our curriculum.





As a Church of England school, we are committed to the concept of the ‘God-given worth’ of every one of our children. We believe that all our pupils have enormous capacity for growth, development and achievement. In “the Marcham Way”, our school’s curriculum is rooted in a foundation of Christian values, which includes the sense of community, respect, compassion, responsibility, courage and perseverance. These attributes form the basis of the intellectual, spiritual, social, emotional and moral development of our children. To this end, we adopt a growth mindset towards them and encourage them to do the same, seeing their learning as a journey, along which mistakes and intelligent practice are key features of our planning.


Therefore, we want our children, in line with our vision statement, “to achieve beyond their expectations”, but we also believe that the measure of a well-educated child is not only academic success. We feel strongly that, through our broad and ambitious curriculum, our pupils will be able to demonstrate a range of skills, qualities, attitudes and abilities which prepares them for the future. What we choose to teach has relevance to our context within a global dimension, and our aim is to enable our pupils to flourish and, in doing so, create and promote the common good.


Whole School Curriculum

You will find detailed in the attached documents, information about how our curriculum is built. 

For further information on our curriculum please see each year group's class page. Each term the curriculum web is updated for each class. Click Here for a direct link to the Class Pages.


You will find links below to some of the visitors, trips, and events we have enjoyed in our school to celebrate reading.


Author Charlie Brooks Visits (KS2) - October 2022


Winter Story Evening (KS1) - November 2022


National Story Telling Week - February 2023


Images of these events can also be viewed by visiting our Whole School Gallery.



As well as our intent document below, you will also see below a Power Point Presentation from October 2022 which provides further curriculum coverage.



As well as our intent document below, you will also see below a Power Point Presentation from November 2022 which provides further curriculum coverage. Also included in this section is further policies and math information.












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