
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Living and learning with Faith, Community and Hope"

Marcham Governors

Our Governors


The Governing Board at Marcham School:


The main role of the governing body at Marcham C of E Primary School is to help raise the standards and performance of the school. Governors provide a strategic overview of leadership and accountability in school: they support and, at the same time, challenge the Headteacher and staff by asking questions, gathering views and evidence, and deciding what is best for the school. They make important decisions on ethos, policies and practice and are key to the effectiveness of the school.


Governors at Marcham are actively involved and get a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that they make a significant contribution to the promotion of high-quality teaching and a love of learning, that benefits the children in what they gain from their efforts.


Below you will find the names and terms of office for all of our Governors, together with details of their category of Governor, positions of responsibility and details of any additional committees that they serve on as of this year. We have included relevant details of any business and financial interests of each Governor, and information about any Governance role they play in other schools.


The Governors work using the strategic vision for the school.


“Our vision is for all children to achieve beyond their expectations, and to become confident, independent learners, able to contribute positively in a fast changing, vibrant society.”


As a governing board, we have set the direction for where we want the school to focus over the coming 3-5 years. At the beginning of each year the Headteacher, school leaders and Governors set out the priorities for that coming year. These are based on the education outcomes from both the formal assessments of pupils (for example SATS), the school’s own assessments, as well as the monitoring of the school by the Governing body over the previous year(s).



We have committees which underpin the work of the governing body:


· SICC – School Improvement and Curriculum Committee: To oversee and monitor the work undertaken as part of the School’s Improvement and Development plans.

· Resources: To oversee and monitor issues relating to Health and Safety, Pay and Personnel, Finances and Premises.

· Foundation: As a Church of England school, a small number of our governors are appointed by the Parochial Church Council. They ensure that the character and ethos

of the school as a Church of England school is upheld. They meet in their own right but are also members of the other sub-committees.

· Communication Working Group: A relatively new and small committee. Established to ensure and (when appropriate) enable an ongoing focus to improve upon and strengthen links between the school and its wider community.


As of September 2022, the Governing Board trialled a new meeting format in which they incorporated SICC and Resources meetings into Full Governing Board (FGB) Meetings. They still had a governor leading on the usual committee foci during the 10 Full Governing Board meetings that year. The Foundation committee and Communication Working Group still met separately,and reported back to the rest of the board at FGB.


As of September 2023, the Governing Board moved back to its original committee structure.


Below you see a full breakdown of attendance to all meetings from the last academic year. Please note that some Governors appearing on the registers are not serving this academic year and can be found in the document and their governor information can be found in the attached PowerPoint.


You will also see a full breakdown of pecuniary interests declared by all governors at the start of each year:

To contact the governors directly please email:

We are also open to feedback and ideas so please email via the school office on

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