
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Living and learning with Faith, Community and Hope"


Leopards Class Letter - Autumn - Part 2 2024


Class Teacher

Mrs Field (Monday - Friday)

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Finch (Monday - Friday)

Mrs Simpson (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

Mrs Greenaway (Tuesday and Thursday)


Welcome to Leopards!


Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back to Autumn 2. It has been lovely to hear all the exciting events the children enjoyed over half-term.


This term is a busy term with lots planned. Your child is working exceptionally hard and as we enter the dark stages of the year, please help your child to by healthy and happy by building enough rest and downtime over this very busy, but festive period.


We continue with PE on Monday (indoors) and Wednesday (outdoors). Please send PE kit in for the term. Children will need tracksuit bottoms and a fleece for outdoor PE now the weather is getting chilly.


Forest School will continue on Thursday afternoons – please send old, warm clothing for this session. We are outside for an extended period of time and not always moving around quickly, please include layers to keep your child warm. We ask clothing is sent in a separate bag which the children can put their school uniform in to bring home. This term we will be working on rejuvenating the bug hotel and making bird feeders.


We have been very fortunate to have had a small sandpit donated which the children are very much enjoying. If you have any sand toys you no longer need, Leopards class will happily take these off your hands!


Homework: Please continue to read with your child daily, returning their reading book and reading record each day (please add a brief comment so we know the book has been read and we can exchange it). Reading will have one of the biggest impacts on a child’s writing and it is therefore essential homework.


Christmas…our performance is booked for Thursday December 12th at 2pm – more information to follow.


If you have any questions or concerns please do catch me on the gate.


Mrs Field & Leopards Team


Leopards Curriculum Web 

Leopards Class Meeting

Leopards Class Gallery 2023/24

Leopards Gallery 2022/23

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