
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Where Christian values are integral and learning is fun"

Marcham PTA

The Parent Teacher Association


The PTA at Marcham School is very active. Members give of their time to help with school activities and projects, organising fundraising events and running social events. Many of these events raise money for those little extras for the school and include activities like school discos, bingo nights and, .Our two biggest events are the Christmas Fayre and the Summer Fete, which are supported not just by the parents, but by the whole Marcham community and friends of the school.


All parents and staff are automatically members of the Association and are eligible to attend the AGM which is held during the autumn term. A new committee is elected at this meeting and parents new to the school are encouraged to come to the meeting to find out more about the type of events arranged and how the PTA is run. Committee members share in the organising and running of the events.


The Chair of the PTA is Lisa Newport.

We've had 4 4 4 1 8 visitors