
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Living and learning with Faith, Community and Hope"


Pandas Class Letter - Spring - Part 1


Class Teachers

Miss Wagstaff (Monday-Thursday)

Mrs Callahan (Friday)

We have some fantastic teaching assistants who also double up as 1:1

Miss Taylor (Monday-Friday)

Miss Walker (Monday and Thursday)

We also have an exciting change in role as one if our TA’s is embarking on an apprenticeship teacher training course:

Mrs Phillips (Monday to Wednesday)


Happy new year!


We hope you have all had a joyful break. We are refreshed and ready for another term where we will be learning all about different animals. The curriculum web attached will give you an understanding of what learning will be taking place this term, however we may have some changes as the children interest and enthusiasm for differing groups of animals’ change.



P.E. will continue to take place on Wednesday afternoons and is back to Tatty Bumpkins. Please ensure your children keep their named P.E. kits in school throughout the week as extra sessions may occur. While in school the children get themselves dressed and undressed to help aid this why not let them have a go at getting themselves reading for school in the mornings or getting dressed for bed.


Homework will continue to be set every Thursday. This will link to our two newly taught sounds each week and will consist of two segmenting activities and two new flashcards. Please continue to expose your children to all the previously learnt sounds in the folder. Why not also have a go at finding these sounds out and about in the environment? Please remember to return the phonics folder the following Wednesday so we can add in their new sheets and flashcards, ready to go out on Thursday.


Children will continue to bring home reading books. They will be set on a Thursday and returned the following Wednesday. Please remember to mark in their Yellow books if they have read. We will also continue to set online books for your children to enjoy.



Please make sure that all items of clothing (not just P.E. kits) are named to avoid disappearances as everyone has the same items especially jumper and cardigans as we have a few unnamed lying around. It can also be helpful to have something small on their book bags at the front, so they know they are theirs, e.g. a sticker or a small keyring.

We advise that the children have wellington boots for those wet and muddy days. These will be kept in school on the wellington rack. As the weather is getting much wetter it would also be useful for all children to have waterproof over trousers as we go out in all weathers and can get quite wet and muddy.


We provide a different piece of fruit every day for your child’s snack however if you prefer or they are not eating (we will let you know this) then you are more than welcome to bring in your own piece of fruit. This term we will start to introduce “Toasty Tuesday” where the children will be taught how to make their own toast for snack. This will be done in small groups with adult supervision.


Please remember to send your child in with a named water bottle (preferably a non-spill one) every day as learning though play is thirsty business and a bookbag as this is where the children put their work they want to take home and where we will put their reading books and phonic folders.


If you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to contact the school office to arrange a suitable meeting time although, we are available after school most days for more pressing matters.


Best wishes,

The Panda class team.



50 things to do before you're five: 

50 Things To Do aims to provide inspiration for parents and carers to connect with children through a range of activities, all designed to have a positive impact on learning and health, please click on the link below:


What to expect in the Early Years: 


What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS-complete-FINAL-16.09-compressed.pdf (

Pandas Curriculum Web

For anyone who missed the Phonics Parents Information Evening on 21st February, you will find a copy of the presentation below.

Panda's Meetings

Pandas Class Gallery 2024/25

Pandas Class Gallery 2023/24

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