
Marcham C of E Primary School

"Where Christian values are integral and learning is fun"

Sports Premium

PE and Sports Premium Funding 2022-3 


The PE and Sport Premium Funding is part of a government initiative designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils so that they develop healthy lifestyles. Every primary school in the country has been provided with funding to support additional sports provision. 


At Marcham School, we know how important PE is to the health and well-being of our pupils. We know that as well as providing opportunities for leadership, teamwork, resilience and self-esteem, it can play a big part in children’s ability to concentrate, to have a positive attitude and to contribute towards academic achievement. We aim to offer a range of activities both within the curriculum and beyond, so that our children develop well both physically and socially. As part of our “Curriculum lenses” we also aim to expand children’s ‘physical literacy’ so that children develop stamina, thinking skills and decision-making and, above all, a will to improve. 

Since the lifting of restrictions due to COVID19, we are returning to the level of activity we had before the pandemic. There have been skipping and tennis workshops and sports clubs have started again for both KS2 and KS1. Over the past two years, a big focus has been on the provision for children to be active at break and lunchtimes and this is continuing. Our KS1 play area is our priority this year and we are excited about the proposed outcomes. 

Please see below to see how we have used our PE and Sports funding and the impact it has had on the children. 

Sports Premium Grant Allocation


Click on the link above to see how Sports Premium funding is allocated to schools.

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